5 Tips for Safe Driving as the Days Get Shorter

Gloves? Check. jacket? Check. Beanie? Check. You wouldn’t go out into the cold without being prepared, right? It’s no different from driving as the days get shorter and wetter. To stay safe on the road, you need to be prepared for changing conditions.

For example, kids go back to school in the fall, so there are more pedestrians and traffic now than there were during the summer. However, that’s just one factor to account for; fall and winter also bring fog, rain, glare, low light, and the occasional snow. Here are some tips to help you prepare for whatever winter

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6 Myths About Health Insurance Policy

It’s no news that health insurance is the best way to handle medical bills and avoid a dent in your savings. Consequently, more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of a health insurance policy. Luckily, we are now living among the generation that is beginning to realize that health insurance is not an expense but an investment for a healthy physical and financial life.

However, even though more and more people are getting aware, there still remain some myths about health insurance policies. These myths need to be busted as they can cause last-minute surprises only to

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Why Arizona Heat Makes Windshield Cracks Expand

Many of us have been there. You get a small chip or crack in your windshield and leave it alone, figuring it won’t get any bigger. Unfortunately, this isn’t often the case. In many situations, this crack or chip will gradually grow larger, causing you to need a full windshield replacement in the future, rather than requiring a small repair now. This can leave you wondering exactly why the heat of the Arizona summer causes this result. Read on to learn the answer.

Why the Spread?

It may seem unusual for a cracked windshield to spread. After all, most people

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Why Does a Cracked Windshield Spread?

A rock flies up and hits your windshield making a small crack. Uh oh. You know you have time, but how much time? Eventually, the crack will spread, obstruct your view, get you a ticket, and you’ll have to replace the entire windshield, something auto insurance typically doesn’t cover. So what exactly causes a small crack in a windshield to spread like wild fire? There are more than a few answers to this question.

1. Extreme Temperatures

When you mix hot and cold, your windshield feels it. Going from sitting in the scorching sun to getting blasted with AC or

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Are You More Likely To Crack Your Windshield in Arizona?

Arizona is known for its sunshine and heat. As a result, many vehicles succumb to the extreme temperatures with auto glass damage. In fact, drivers in Arizona are more likely than drivers in any other state to need their windshield repaired. Why does Arizona fall into first place when it comes to windshield damage? Read on to find out why and how you can minimize the impact.

Four Reasons Why AZ Windshields Crack

1.The 101

This highway is known for construction and is responsible for many broken windshields in Arizona. During construction, all sorts of debris flies from the road,

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