Healthcare Encryption Exceptions? – Rickard & Associates

We know that all emails and text messages that contain protected health information (PHI) should be encrypted.

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Are there any exceptions to the encryption rule?

Just one.

Patients can communicate with covered entities using unencrypted email and text messages, if the patients have been informed of the increased risk.

Patients can opt to have reminders sent via text messages or emails.

One issue that many healthcare providers have regarding encryption,

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Can Your EHR Template Land You in Prison?

If your electronic health record (EHR) template is set up incorrectly and leads you to be billed improperly, it could lead to prison time.

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In recent years, we have heard from many of our clients that their compliance plans received less attention than normal due to the pandemic, staffing issues, and other pressing concerns.

However, compliance enforcement is ongoing and it is essential to prioritize your compliance plan.

A Delaware

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